Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Camera Techniques Reflection

How I Kind Of Learned How To Use a Camera

When I started Entertainment this year, I had no idea how to use a DSLR at all, and while I am still not the most experienced in how to use one effectively and efficiently, I do at least know how to control main settings and functions of the camera. It was helpful having a list of different shots that had to be used because it allowed us to focus less on just the story and more on the relationship between the story and it's visual representation. It didn't so much matter if the story was good or not, but more on how it was displayed to the audience.

I did not shoot an individual 10-Shot Camera Technique Video, but Tara, Miranda, and I worked together on one and took turns filming shots as well as individually practicing the different techniques on our own time. I also did not edit my own version of the video, rather just contributed to the group edit.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see the video and hear more about each shot. Will you link it here?
